Staying In Touch With Your Friends And Relatives While In Rehab

In addition to limited visitation, many Florida rehabs also require patients to relinquish their mobile phones for the duration of their stays. During the formative stages of the recovery process, temptations and cravings are at their highest. Continued contact with the outside could lead to patients to seek the very substances that they’re trying to overcome. Moreover, it is only when mobile phones are completely removed from the treatment environment that patients are able to place their entire focus on getting well.

One thing that many people learn during their stay in rehab centers is that the vast majority of their former relationships cannot be maintained if their recovery efforts are to succeed. Many of the social and professional contacts that people establish before treatment are likely to have a negative impact on their long-term treatment success. This is certainly the case when these same connections are also chronic drug users themselves, or former drug suppliers. Workshops and individual and group counseling help program participants learn more about establishing and valuing the right relationships. As people progress in treatment, they learn boundary-setting skills and better ways of coping with social stress. After advancing in these areas, inpatient clients can reenter the world with a far greater ability to maintain their sobriety over the long-term. Best of all, their loved ones can receive family addiction treatment to support their progress in on-campus rehab. Family addiction treatment is an outpatient service designed to help the loved ones of recovering substance abusers heal from past trauma and pain, and learn strategies for supporting those with substance use disorder.

Rehab facilities understand that the development and maintenance of healthy relationships is also key to patient success. As such, you won’t be entirely cut off from your loved ones. You’ll have a limited number of onsite visits with authorized family members throughout your stay. Moreover, as you progress in recovery, you’ll also have the ability to make a few offsite visits of your own. Outside visitation is a great way to start getting ready for the end of your on-campus treatment. It gives patients the opportunity to leverage and assess their new coping skills in the real-world environment. Patients can experience temptation firsthand, and practice overcoming it. They can also share their thoughts and experiences with their peers upon returning. Discussions about off-campus visitation during group therapy can be beneficial for everyone within the program. These talks can also help people establish realistic expectations for their lives post-release. Outside visits highlight the importance of ongoing recovery support. In so doing, they play a pivotal role in ensuring long-term treatment success. If you want to know more about visitation in inpatient rehab facilities, or if you’re interested in finding the right Florida treatment center for you, we can help. Call us now at 877-270-6226.