The Group recovery community is a powerful support network for people in all stages of recovery to find strength, compassion, and understanding. We know that finding support throughout your recovery is crucial to sustained abstinence. We emphasize the power of community and the role it plays – both in the initial rehab process and post-recovery. At The Beachcomber, you will make your first connections with others in your group therapy sessions in Delray Beach and the greater Miami area.
The Beachcomber works with Florida recovery groups to create a productive environment for group therapy and support infrastructure that will go on to help people with their sobriety for decades.
What is group therapy?
Group therapy sessions take place with a skilled, experienced group facilitator and other people who are looking to understand and overcome their addictions. Groups are comprised of people with similar issues and diagnoses. The group facilitator will be an addiction specialist and be well-versed in encouraging group members to speak freely about their experiences, hopes, fears, and challenges.
The aim of the group is to create a safe, open, non-judgmental, and supportive environment for people to listen and share with each other. Sometimes a group member may gently challenge another to try and encourage individuals to take responsibility, avoiding blame and criticism. It is particularly powerful for group members to be in different stages of recovery, so long-standing members can provide reassurance and guidance to newer members, providing a sense of responsibility, maturity, care, and compassion. These feelings are proven to help boost confidence and self-esteem and are key for recovery.
If you have struggled, or currently struggle to express your feelings and emotions with others, group therapy will help identify the reasons why. This can be hugely beneficial in overcoming the barriers that prevent open and honest communication with others.
It can take time for group members to feel comfortable with one another and begin to open up a group dialogue. This is to be expected and managed by the group facilitator and requires patience from each group member.
If a group member is struggling to identify the reasons why they use drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult situations, it can be incredibly useful to hear someone else explaining their reasons and resonate with their stories. Group therapy allows the whole room of people to learn from one another and help build one another up using trust, respect, and empathy.
Get in touch for more information
At The Beachcomber, we have extensive experience treating patients for addiction and completely understand feelings of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. For this reason, we encourage anyone who is thinking of seeking treatment for addiction to get in touch as soon as possible with any questions you might have for yourself or a loved one.
We will answer all your questions honestly and in as much detail as possible to ensure your peace of mind. To struggle with an addiction can feel like an intensely lonely place, but you are not alone, we are here to help.