While Kratom is relatively new to the West, it has long been used in nations like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, where the Mitragyna speciosa tree—also known as the “kratom tree”—grows. Since ancient times, Kratom has been utilized in socio-religious rituals and to cure a variety of medicinal conditions.

There are numerous ways to take Kratom, including:

  • Pulverizing the leaves and brewing the tea.
  • Gnawing on the foliage.
  • Take it as an extract, pill, or capsule.

Because Kratom has a slight stimulant effect at low doses, it was widely used by Southeast Asian farm laborers to ward off exhaustion and remain productive for extended periods of time. Some people take Kratom to try to self-medicate pain or minimize the symptoms of their opioid withdrawal because the medication has sedating, opioid-like effects at greater doses.

The Drug Enforcement Administration reports that using Kratom has been connected to a number of unfavorable physical and mental health outcomes, such as

  • Elevated heart rate.
  • Queasy feeling.
  • Convulsions.
  • Imaginations.
  • Psychopathy.

The drug is still widely available for purchase and use across the nation despite being classified as a controlled substance in some states. Many individuals also highlight the drug’s potential advantages, implying that it is a safer, more natural, and more accessible substitute for other opioid replacement therapies like methadone.

Retailers of Kratom frequently portray their goods as dietary supplements or natural cures, giving consumers the impression that there aren’t many if any, hazards associated with kratom use. However, a notable rise in poison control center calls related to Kratom over a 5-year period indicates otherwise, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises against using products containing Kratom.

There’s still a lot to learn about Kratom’s pharmacology. Based on available data, Kratom may have some antidepressant, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, due to its opioid properties, the potential for abuse-reported side effects, and several reported deaths, the DEA has listed Kratom as a Drug and Chemical of Concern, and the FDA has placed an import alert on the substance. 

Furthermore, the drug is already illegal in a number of states. The fact that Kratom is unregulated, which makes it very easy for a dishonest provider to lace their product with undeclared, potentially hazardous ingredients, should be of great concern to consumers.

The Southeast Asian native kratom plant has acquired notoriety as a potential weapon in the fight against the opioid crisis, yet questions persist regarding the plant’s safety and its potential as a therapeutic remedy. Its legal status is also unclear. Despite all of its potential advantages, Kratom is still a substance that has a wide range of physiological effects, some of which may be harmful.

Reliance and Abandonment

Kratom use can lead to the development of physical dependence. Some users report experiencing withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using the drug or if they go without using it for a while. These symptoms include

  • Fatigue.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Nasal discharge.
  • Stiff muscles.
  • Jerky motions of the extremities.

There are certain withdrawal symptoms that are comparable to those of opioid medications like heroin and hydrocodone.

Similar to other drugs, the length of time needed to withdraw from Kratom depends on a variety of factors, including the user’s health, heredity, and usage habits. Furthermore, the duration of drug retention in the body affects the timeline to some extent, as it is a reflection of the drug’s half-life of elimination.

How Much Time Does Kratom Stay in Your Body?

There is no exact duration that can be determined to determine the effects of Kratom on an individual. And abstaining from drug use is the only way to guarantee that you’ll pass a drug test.

The amount of time it takes for a drug’s plasma concentration to drop by half is known as its elimination half-life. For every half-life that the drug has, the body excretes it in proportion. Six For instance, if a patient received a 100 mg dose of an intravenous medication with a half-life of 15 minutes, it would take 15 minutes for 50 mg of the medication to remain in the system; 30 minutes would pass for 25 mg; 45 minutes would pass for 12.5 mg; 120 minutes would pass for 0.39 mg, and so forth.

Pharmacologic studies are being conducted on substances such as Kratom, and there are discrepancies in the reported half-live estimations. For instance, a study discovered that the half-life of elimination for mitragynine was roughly 3.85 hours (±0.51 hours). This indicates that a just half reduction in plasma concentration would require close to 4 hours. 

Urine tests can identify mitragynine. While kratom users may attempt to calculate the elimination half-life of Kratom in order to prevent a positive drug screen, it’s crucial to keep in mind that a number of factors, including age, health, and mode of use, affect how long a substance like Kratom will be detected in the body. As a result, avoiding a positive test is more complicated than just calculating this information. As a matter of fact, the amount of mitragynine alkaloid in a plant might vary depending on its age, growth conditions, and harvesting period.



You can eat the leaves, drink it as tea, or take pills. If a kratom user tries to quit using the medicine, withdrawal symptoms such as achy muscles or drowsiness may occur. Dependency on the substance might also develop. Finally, it is impossible to provide a precise answer to the question because there are several elements that impact how long Kratom stays in the user’s system. The skilled and certified medical personnel at Beachcomber Drug Rehab can assist patients in receiving individualized treatment. There are choices accessible if you discover that you’re having trouble abusing prescription opioids or Kratom. One step at a time, with each other, we can help you achieve long-term sobriety.